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【Tzu Chi SG】Kindergarteners Wash Parents’ Feet in a Show of Filial Piety

【Tzu Chi SG】Kindergarteners Wash Parents’ Feet in a Show of Filial Piety

Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool (Singapore ) held a Parents’ Day event where kindergarteners showed appreciation to their parents by serving them tea and snacks they made themselves. They also gave their parents a surprise foot bath, which deeply touched the latter. Under the guidance of teachers, students in Singapore’s Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool learn to make snacks for their parents on Parents’ Day. They resist the urge to taste the food, as they want to reserve it for their parents. (Did you make the snack for yourself?) Mom and Dad will eat it first. Then we’ll eat the rest at home. Principal Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool - Audrey Koh: We hope the activity will help the kids understand the effort. Their parents put into preparing their meals. We hope the kids can learn to be thankful to their parents and cherish their every meal. Besides serving tea and feeding their parents snacks they made themselves, the kids also have a surprise for them. During the foot bathing segment, although the children are not skilled at performing the task, their earnest attitude touched their parents. Parent: I feel very blessed and happy. This is the first time my son washed my feet. I always wash his feet for him. Parent Eric Chia: I feel that my daughter has grown up as she can do such little things for us parents. I feel very grateful. 5-year-old Song Siheng carefully wipes his mother’s feet. Since he began attending the Great Love PreSchool, he’s been sharing with his parents Jing Si Aphorisms and has also inspired them to do recycling. Parent - Hou Jing: My son often told us about the uses of different recyclable materials. He doesn’t allow us to throw those things away. We’ve learned a lot about recycling, too. Sensible and filial children bring the greatest joy and comfort to parents.
Son Takes Care of Father

Son Takes Care of Father

Parents bring us to this world, they dedicate unconditional love to raise us up. When we are growing up, they are growing old. This is a real story. Rex cares for his father who had a stroke. When his father thanks him for his filial love, his reply makes us shed tears! Rex: Good morning Sir, Ready to get up? Let me get your feet up. How you doing today? Dad: Ok. Good morning. Rex: I remember always looking at my dad’s arms like when I was like 8, 9, 10 years old. He had arms like Popeye. He was a tugboat captain, and I so admired his physique. And now it’s a different story, you know. And that’s just the way it is. So my dad had a stroke. And now he can’t get around. He can’t walk. And he needs me to help him out. And my son Luke and I have been doing it. And I’d do anything, anything for him. There’s a definite role reversal that happens. I have to wake him up in the morning and take care of him and groom him and shave him and shower him. It’s actually an honor to do that for your father, because he did it for me when I was a kid. Rex: How am I doing so far dad? Dad: I’m ok. Rex: You know it takes me like a half an hour to shave my father because I have to be so careful. Dad: Be careful with that razor. Rex: OK, I will, I will I will. There we go. Ok, good. I love that face. Hi. I’m … I am one of the lucky ones. A lot my friends, a lot my friends my age, do not have their dads, and I still have my dad. He always says to me, he looks up at me after I pour love on him for the whole day, and he says “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” And I say “Dad, I got you.” Showing a son’s relationship with his elderly father, the video draws on the close bond formed when a role-reversal occurs between an elderly parent and his child. When it’s time for the child to care for the parent, a new kind of intimacy is built. Kristian Rex, the son in the spot, says it takes up to 30 minutes to shave his father due to the need to be so careful with his wrinkled skin. But, he adds, “It’s an honor to do that [shower and shave him] for your father, because he did it for me when I was a kid. I’m one of the lucky ones. A lot of my friends my age don’t have their dads. And I still have my dad.”
Dreaming of Home and Mother 旅愁 (Ryo-Shuu) 여수 (Yo-Soo) 送別 (Song-Bei) Karaoke カラオケ 노래방

Dreaming of Home and Mother 旅愁 (Ryo-Shuu) 여수 (Yo-Soo) 送別 (Song-Bei) Karaoke カラオケ 노래방

The purpose of creating this video is to spread a good song around the world in different languages. So, people from different countries can sing it. Original from the U.S. Dreaming of home and mother (1868) Composer: John P. Ordway Released in 1868 Japan: 旅愁 (りょしゅう; Ryo-Shuu; Sad Travel) 作詞: 犬童球渓 (いんどう きゅうけい); released in 1907 Taiwan: 送別 (Song-Bei; Farewell); Lyrics: 李叔同 (Lee, Su-Tong); released in 1915 South Korea: 여수 (Yo-Soo; Sad Travel) The music of the second verse of the Korean version is different. Therefore, only the first verse is used in this video. References: skarudgh5820, 2015, 이연실 - 가을노래 ▶ 여수(旅愁) / 뷰플맘♡ カラオケロッキー6, 2016, 46 旅愁(カラオケ)唱歌 抒情歌 piebigapple pi, 2013, 【送别】- Dreaming of Home and Mother (English Version) Dreaming of Home and Mother Words & Music: John P. Ordway Dreaming of home, dear old home! Home of my childhood and mother Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find I've been dreaming of home and mother Home, Dear Home, childhood happy home When I played with sister and with brother 'T was the sweetest joy when we did roam Over hill and thro' dale with mother (Oft = often; 'tis = it is; 'T was = it was; thro' = through; thy = you) Dreaming of home, dear old home! Home of my childhood and mother Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find I've been dreaming of home and mother Childhood has come, come again Sleeping I see my dear mother See her loved form beside me kneel While I'm dreaming of home and mother Mother dear, whisper to me now Tell me of my sister and my brother Now I feel thy hand upon my brow Yes, I'm dreaming of home and mother Japan: 旅愁 (りょしゅう; Ryo-Shuu; Sad Travel) 更(ふ)け行(ゆ)く秋の夜 旅の空の わびしき思(おも)いに 一人(ひとり)悩(なや)む 恋(こい)しや故郷(ふるさと)  懐(なつ)かし父母(ちちはは) 夢路(ゆめじ)にたどるは さとの家路(いえじ) 更(ふ)け行(ゆ)く秋の夜 旅の空の わびしき思(おも)いに 一人(ひとり)悩(なや)む 窓(まど)うつ嵐(あらし)に 夢(ゆめ)もやぶれ 遥(はる)けき彼方(かなた)に 心(こころ)迷(まよ)う 恋(こい)しや故郷(ふるさと) 懐(なつ)かし父母(ちちはは) 思(おも)いに浮(う)かぶは 杜(もり)のこずえ 窓(まど)うつ嵐(あらし)に 夢(ゆめ)もやぶれ 遥(はる)けき彼方(かなた)に 心(こころ)迷(まよ)う South Korea: 여수 (Yo-Soo; Sad Travel) 깊어가는 가을밤에 낯설은 타향에 외로운맘 끝이없이 나홀로 서러워 그리워라 나살던곳 사랑하는 부모형제 꿈길에도 방황하는 내정든 옛고향 Taiwan: 送別 (作詞:李叔同) 長亭外 古道邊 芳草碧連天 晚風拂 柳笛聲殘 夕陽山外山 天之涯 地之角 知交半零落 一觚濁酒盡餘歡 今宵別夢寒 韶光逝 留無計 今日卻分袂 驪歌一曲送別離 相顧卻依依 聚雖好 別離悲 世事堪玩味 來日後會相予期 去去莫遲疑
'효'를 엉뚱하게 풀이하는 사람들! 허경영이 알려주는 효자의 올바른 마음가짐은? Real meaning of 'Filial Piety' explained by HKY.

'효'를 엉뚱하게 풀이하는 사람들! 허경영이 알려주는 효자의 올바른 마음가짐은? Real meaning of 'Filial Piety' explained by HKY.

#허경영, #효의뜻, #효자 '효'를 엉뚱하게 풀이하는 사람들! 허경영이 알려주는 효자의 올바른 마음가짐은? Real meaning of 'Filial Piety' explained by HKY. ■ 하늘궁 무료급식소 후원 060-708-8888 (1통화 1만원) ■ 허경영 공식 카카오 채널(최신 허경영 소식 정보) ☎ [허경영 강연 안내번호] - 대표번호 1533-9039 ◇내선번호 1번 - 하늘궁 안내 ◇내선번호 2번 - 정회원 안내 ◇축복/명패/대천사/상담 입장 : 매일 12시부터 (문의: 010-9286-7647) ◇매일방문 문의 : 010-2817-7476 - 강연 안내 ◇강연시간 : 매주 토, 일요일 오후 4시~6시 ◇하늘궁 접수처:석현리 204번지 (접수 후 손목띠지 필수) ◇본궁참석자 : 접수순 입장명단 적기 (본인필수, 대리불가) ◇강연장입장 : 3시30분 ◇영상시청관 : 하늘궁 영성센터 1층(석현리205-6), 국제센터1층(석현리269-5) ◇강연 문의: 010-3465-9039 ♠ [허경영 하늘궁 투어 소개] - 주차 → 접수 → 영상시청관 ◇하늘궁 주차장 : 석현리 205-6 영성센터건물 앞 사거리 50M 직진 (석현리204 '하늘궁 접수처'에서 '우선 접수 후', 입장해 주세요) - 하늘궁 셔틀버스 ◇구파발역(출발)→하늘궁(도착) - 매일 운행 : 오전 10시30분, 오후 12시30분, 오후 2시 - 승차장소: 구파발역 1번출구 직진 50미터 롯데리아앞(주정차단속으로 시간엄수) ◇의정부역(출발)→하늘궁(010-8540-8001) - 토,일 2회씩 운행 : 오전 10시30분, 오후 12시30분 - 장소 : 의정부역 6번출구 → 큰길 쪽 50미터 직진 → 지하상가 6번출구 앞
盡孝最好的方法 | 孝敬父母 為父母做功德 | 家人相處

盡孝最好的方法 | 孝敬父母 為父母做功德 | 家人相處

父母愛我們如生命一般,然而,在成長的過程中,你是否曾視父母的愛為理所當然?長大離家後,是否懷念父母對自己無微不至的照顧?是否從心底升起過對父母的感恩之情? 在這部影片中,金菩提宗師詳細講解了為什麼要孝敬父母,以及怎樣為父母做功德。 具體該怎麼做呢?這部影片將為你帶來深刻的解答。 00:00:00 盡孝最好的方法 | 孝敬父母 為父母做功德 | 家人相處 00:00:16 做人的基本道義 00:01:42 有道義的人首先要有感恩心 00:02:25 金菩提宗師回憶起幼時離家生病的故事 00:03:42 父母對孩子無私的愛 00:06:32 為父母做功德,得身心安然 00:10:15 目犍連尊者為母親做功德的故事 00:13:03 為什麼孝敬父母為父母做功德? #金菩提 #金菩提宗師 #家人相處 #佛歡喜日 #菩提禪修 #禪修 #感恩 #感恩之心 #孝敬父母 #孝敬 #孝敬父母為父母做功德 #盡孝最好的方法 #2023清明節 #2023清明 #2023清明祭祖 #2023清明祭祖拜拜 #2023清明節拜拜 【訂閱/贊助】 ✔ 訂閱「金菩提宗師YouTube」影音頻道: ✔ 成為金菩提宗師Facebook粉絲: ✔ 贊助金菩提宗師網路課堂: 【相關連結】 ★ 金菩提宗師官網: ★「菩提禪修學院」: ★ 菩提禪修官方網站: 八卦內功官方網站: 慈悲音:


There’s nothing better than FREE help for seniors! Except for free services for seniors AND their family caregivers! Getting help for the elderly living at home can get expensive and families often don’t know who to call for the little things. In addition, family caregiving is demanding and can be stressful, so any FREE technology for family caregivers to free up some time and make things less stressful should be a welcome resource for you. Well, this video has both: Tips for helping elderly parents get much needed FREE services, and also how to make caring for elderly parents easier by using technology. When your elderly parent needs help with things like cleaning, driving, moving, getting food or needs support when in the hospital or is ill at home, there are FREE solutions to help out. FREE services for senior citizens and the elderly are hard to find, but this video will cover four amazing FREE resources to make things a bit easier on you. I’m sure that at least one of these will be a benefit for you and your aging parent at home, and maybe you’ll find all four useful! The next time you say things like “I’m so stressed, my elderly parent needs help at home and I don’t know who to turn to”, turn to these resources for assistance. LINKS Join my private caregiver support group, Full-On Parent Care, on Facebook: WATCH MY OTHER POPULAR VIDEOS 5 Strategies to counteract Anticipatory Grief Aid & Attendance Benefit Process (My roller-coaster application process) Talking to your parents about Assisted Living GIVE THE PERFECT GIFT THIS YEAR! Great Gift Ideas for Older Parents Paying for Senior Care (11 CREATIVE ways to fund care in 2019) When should you stop being a caregiver? How to apply for VA Aid & Attendance Step by Step #SeniorCare #FamilyCaregiver #ElderCare #Dementia
Tips On Taking Care Of Your Elderly Parents

Tips On Taking Care Of Your Elderly Parents

Links to the articles / videos mentioned: *1) Legal Checklist* (video on the legal checklist) *2) Financial Issues* (video on the issue of parents who are broke) *3) Housing Issues* (video on downsizing) *4) Home Modifications* *5) Caregiving* *6) Transportation* (about ridesharing) ***** NOTE: We are not physicians or medical professionals, Senior Safety Advice assumes no responsibility or liability for the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of this information. Any action you take upon the information on this channel is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses, and damages in connection with the use of our channel. The content we share on our videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for help and/or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. ***** Click the Subscribe button [above] to be notified of new Senior Safety Advice videos as they are released. Info and resources on aging in place safely at: Get our latest articles and updates via email at: NOTE: Any affiliate links mentioned in this video or description will allow you to find the items and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!
Repaying parents back for everything  2 | Paying off  Mortgage to mom surprise | Dads dream home!

Repaying parents back for everything 2 | Paying off Mortgage to mom surprise | Dads dream home!

Repaying parents back for everything 2 | Paying off Mortgage to mom surprise | Dads dream home! From paying off all debt surprise, getting dream home for parents to doing something very special to Parents for everything they have done! Go hug your parents after this again!!! #payingitforward #givingback #family ************** Support us on Patreon: - Help us reach 450 patrons & we will give 50% of the total donations we receive for that month (every 2nd month) to a verified charity of a lucky patron's choice and hopefully upload a video of that patron donating that amount for all to see how we can bring some happiness to those that need it! - If we reach 700 Patrons, we will donate 100% of that month's donations every 3 months! lets try and make people less fortunate, happy for at least for a little bit! ************** All Things Internet provides videos from all around the internet, from funny to awesome moments and everything in between which are now deaf friendly so even more of our brothers and sisters can be part of our community!! I upload 3 times a week, so subscribe and support this channel that really is driven by the community! :) Our goal is to promote unity and love through showing many topics of hardships that end in positive moments and beautiful family times! If YOU film a video and think it is good to be featured on All Things Internet, you can submit videos to me using the email on the about page of the channel. music credit: 🔻 Song: "Sappheiros - Embrace [Chill]" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: 🔺 🔻 Song: "Scott Buckley - Growing Up [Piano]" is under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: 🔺 🔻 "Scott Buckley - Childhood" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: 🔺 🔻 "Sad emotional by Naoya Sakamata" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: 🔺 🔻 "Steffen Daum - Goodbye My Dear" is under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: 🔺


Some of Generation Z may not know why they should respect their parents and I am here to lay it out for them. If you are hearing your parents say that you need to respect them, this video is for you. #respect #generationz #adviceforteens #teens #teenagers #respectyourparents I feel like a lot of teenagers don't understand why they should respect their parents or what it means to respect them. I will be posting a second video letting you know HOW to respect them after you understand WHY you should do it. *LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE AND TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS* SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL Rosy Hernandez► WATCH MORE: FIRST TIME ON THE ROAD ► FOR TEENS ONLY ► UNBOXING/REVIEWS/HAULS ► VLOGS ► FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram ► LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE Facebook ► MUSIC CREDITS Music provided by DAVID KLASS Channel► Spotify ► iTunes ► Instagram ► **Interested in crypto? We will both receive $10 in Bitcoin when you buy or sell $100 or more on Coinbase after you sign up using this link: Business inquiries: ►
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