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Secret #4

A Minimalist Life

She has a lot of free time. She only uses her energy for the most important thing: taking care of her health. She has the wisdom to focus. When she was young, she collected all things to store at home. After several times moving homes, she has to give up many items. She starts focusing on things important to her health. Other things are taken care of by her children, like her housing, transportation and technology. Important things for her are: Chinese herbal medicine books, Chinese herbals, cotton beddings, warm clothes and shoes, an iron wok for cooking, a sutra by Buddha, a family picture, her personal documents and her money. Fewer things, more free times!

She knows how to create a simple, stress-free life. She cooks her own meals and hand-washes her own clothes (her children do her laundry of big items). She eats two meals a day. She cooks a big meal at morning, eat half of the meal as breakfast and another half saved as lunch. She doesn't eat dinner.

Secret #4
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