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Caregiving Respect
Family Rules #6:1

Making sure parents are comfortable in every single way. Provide caregiving and services, especially when parents are sick.

Make sure your parents are comfortable in every single way, not by your parents' request but by your own caring observation. You will know what they need, what will make them more comfortable and what will give them a better life.

You try your best to provide them

From providing housing to navigating government benefits, adult children have numerous options to assist elderly parents.

Provide material help and financial help to your parents. Support and serve parents. take care of parents. Make sure your parents are comfortable and happy in all aspects of life. Concerned about the well-being of parents. Actions speak louder than words. Walk the talk. The most powerful behaviors are those that occur spontaneously or without parental request. behavior beyond their expectations. Consider parental preferences, such as favorite foods. Let them know that you are willing to share family responsibilities and lighten their load.

  • Give parents warmth, care and positive attention on their physical comforts.

  • For a Christian, if you do not care for your family, you are not witnessing for Christ. Your family includes those in your family who need your help (parents, grandparents, widows, orphans in your family).

Matters of a Grateful Heart

Our giving to our parents ought to be voluntary and spring from a grateful attitude. It should come from our heart. Here is speaking about financial giving, but voluntary and grateful giving goes beyond the scope of monetary giving. Serving our brothers and sisters is another form of giving.

Have you ever noticed how some people enjoy being miserable? They like to complain about anything and everything, but especially about the things they do for their parents. An appropriate label for bellyaching about the sacrifices we make to help someone else is the "Martyr Syndrome."

No Resentment or Complaint

We do thing for our parents as they did the same for us when we were little. If we're going to complain about it later, we forget how we grew up. Serve, give, or do what they need happily, without resentment or complaint.

Victual Respect
Family Rules #6:2

Food provision to parents, taking their preferences into account, e.g. their favorite food. Pay for parents in restaurants

Food provision to parents. Taking the parents' preferences into account, e.g. favorite food. Cook for your parents. Bring food and drinks to parents. Serve coffee and tea. Feed your parents whether you take them to a favorite restaurant, pack a picnic, or visit your parents home. Try to serve your parents food and eat together on a regular basis.

Financial Respect
Family Rules #6:3

Save parents' money, share their financial burden, support them financially, and protect their retirement savings

Save parents’ money, share their financial burden, support them financially, buy things for them, let them save enough money for their retirement. Give them peace of mind.

Care for the things that your parents give to you and into your care. Parents want us to be good managers of what they provide us with (small or great) and if we are, we are not tempted to abuse.

If you give, the first receivers should be your parents. Be a generous giver to your parents. We don't want you to give beyond your means, but give with a grateful heart. It's the thought that matters. We want you give relying on your inner convictions. It is more concerned about the motives of our heart than our actions.

If we give grudgingly, it's a sign of an underlying heart condition. God loves a cheerful giver because the gift comes from a heart that has been made glad.

Gift-giving Respect
Family Rules #6:4

Giving gifts or favors when visiting parents or other occasions, e.g. presiding meetings

Giving gifts or favors, e.g. presiding meetings, you look for genealogy and family tree gift ideas for someone special who is fascinated with their family history and where they came from. Gift giving. Help your parents cheerfully. giving practical presents to meet their needs.

It's always nice to know that a present we give is something they will actually use.

Appreciative Respect
Family Rules #6:5

Having a grateful heart for parents by expressing it in both words and actions.

Give thanks to your parents.

Have a grateful heart for parents through words and actions that express care, love, gratitude, and compassion, e.g. show affection by physical touch. Words of appreciation. Write a thank you note for your parents. Draw motivation from your love for your parents. Xiaogan heaven and earth. Recognize and appreciate the legacy your parents gave you. Parents are givers. They feed you, clothe you, shelter you, protect you from hunger and cold, you are not like an orphan, you are heard, seen, and loved. Keep letting your parents know how much you need them. Always miss your parents. Be grateful for everything your parents have done for you, and thank them for sacrificing themselves to light up your life. Showing affection, physical intimacy, hugging, kissing, holding hands, washing feet, massaging or supporting parents, showing respect, greeting, service, or love.

There is an old saying, "Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth." Such is the incomparable sacrifice parents make to bring up their children.

  • Tell your parents how much you love them, and look for opportunities to tell them you’re proud of them.

  • Being warm, caring and affectionate with your parents helps to build strong child-parent relationship

  • Islam: Allah wishes us to supplicate towards him to be grateful in our duas and to be grateful to our parents as they did undergo suffering on our behalf.

Linguistic Respect
Family Rules #6:6

Use of honorific language, proper language. Speaking with a kind expression and caring voice

Use of honorific language. using proper language. Words of Respect. Submit to your parents. Speaking appropriately and respectfully to your parents. Kind: speaking with a kind expression and caring voice.

  • good communication

Spatial Respect
Family Rules #6:7

Having parents sit at a place of honor, furnishing them with a comfortable seat, securing a comfortable atmosphere for them

Having elders sit at a place of honor, building graves at respectful places. Furnishing them with a comfortable seat; securing a comfortable atmosphere for them. Bestow your parents the rightful honor that is due to them. furnishing honorable seats or places. I let the father, who has authority, occupy a center seat and the mother next to him. offering first preference for seating in public.

Celebrative Respect
Family Rules #6:8

Celebrating birthdays or other events in honor of parents

Celebrating birthdays or other events in honor of your parents. Fatherhood, motherhood, mother’s suffering day, pregnancy suffering, make Father's Day and Mother's Day become your natural response and approach to your parents every day. giving presents on birthdays.

Presentational Respect
Family Rules #6:9

Etiquettes and manners of dealing with parents. Polite and appropriate decorum. Holding proper manners at home and outside.

Polite and appropriate decorum. holding proper manners. Exhibit good manners at home. Dressing appropriately for any given situation. Well-mannered. Ask before using something. Table manners. Filial Behavior. Etiquette to respect your parents.

Acquiescent Respect
Family Rules #6:10

Listening to parents without talking back

Listen to your parents without talking back. Agree and listen. I respect my father and mother, obey them, do what they ask, follow instructions, follow directions, I do it willingly, I do it with joy, I do it right away. Obey: Do what your parents ask you to do without delay. Listen patiently and embrace it instead of trying to find fault. Follow your parent's instructions. Obey your parents. obey. obey. Respect parental authority.

Time Respect
Family Rules #6:11

Spending time with parents, offer companionship and the shared experiences. Multigenerational household. Share lifetime together. Give your parents your time, your attention, your love and your concern about them.

It’s easy to say “I love you” frequently, but nothing speaks love louder to our parents than spending time with them.

It’s easy to give gifts, say nice things or do a little act of service, but quality time is the hardest to give because it demands the sacrifice of time–something that many busy sports adult children are in short supply of.

If you truly want your parents to know and believe that you love them, make it a priority to set aside consistent time to connect with them. That will say “I love you” loud and clear.

Live together to help your parents. Accompany: spending time with your parents. Multigenerational Household. Intergenerational Living. Sandwich Generation. “Sharing is caring” philosophy. Spending time with your parents and learn from them. Giving them purpose, as relationships are key to healthy aging. When to take care of our parents? When to practice love to our parents? When to practice 20 respects to our parents? We were born for love. Since our childhood, we have been learning how to love.

1. Maintain a strong marriage: give your parents a safe, secure place to be with you and learn about new things from young people. Because parents in strong families feel secure and loved, they have confidence to age in place at home or their child's home, try new things and keep active. And they can deal better with challenges and setbacks because they know they have family support.

2. Have the child's grandparents at home: If the grandparents are willing to volunteer to babysit your child, you have the least to worry about. This arrangement allows the kids to develop a bond with their grandparents and gives you a breather when both of you are busy at work. From the financial aspect, this is the most low-cost and low-risk arrangement for your child.

3. Love your parents with your time: Time is irreplaceable and invaluable. With working adult children and parents neglect being the most serious problem afflicting many households, it is very important to spend quality time with your parents every day. Switch off your mind from any other thoughts, and instead, focus on the time you give your parents. It has a huge impact on their lives and can help you achieve the equilibrium to care for your parents while you work.

Salutatory Respect
Family Rules #6:12

Bowing or saluting parents, greeting them, exhibiting proper body language of respect

Physical touch hugs and kisses. Greeting, bowing or saluting parents. Kneel down to bow. Exhibiting proper body language of respect. Communicate: telling your parents when you go out and let them know when you are back. Honor your parents: greeting your parents in the morning and say good night at evening. How to address your elders and your parents? The salutation “Dear” is credible to your parents. If you can bring yourself to call your parents-in-law Mom and Dad, they’ll probably be pleased.

Precedential Respect
Family Rules #6:13

Allowing parents to have priority in distributing goods and services. Elders first.

Allowing parents to have priority in distributing foods and services. Parents first. Elders first. Elders come first. Table manners are of no exception here. In China, when eating with people who are older than you, it’s respectful to pass food to the elderly first. If a dish is particularly tasty, you’re expected to let the elders have more of it. Let old people eat first.

To care about someone is to prioritize them.

Consultative Respect
Family Rules #6:14

Consulting parents in personal and family matters. Seeking for advice

Consulting parents in personal and family matters, like your marriage and career. Seeking for advice. Get consent from your parents about your marriage. Parents have a lifetime of experience. They have great wisdom to impart. Parents have the potential to provide better advice than anyone else, unlike teachers or coaches who see you for a few minutes or hours. Parents want to give advice all the time because they want to protect you from making the mistakes they made or that someone they know made. Seek their wisdom.

Spiritual Respect
Family Rules #6:15

Doing the right thing make parents proud, increasing their own sense of self-esteem and life satisfaction.

Spiritual Care. Empathy: doing things that please your parents. Forgiveness. Forgiveness/Let It Go. If parents get wrong, don’t hold it against them. forgive your parents. Observe: avoiding things that displease your parents. be patient with your parents. Patience: giving parents time and understanding. Submit: when parents scold you, being humble. Trust: being open and honest with your parents about what you do. Know your parents and their expectations. Give them security and peace of mind.

Self-esteem, self-care, self-sufficient, doing the right thing, living with dignity, e.g. be self-supporting as adult children.

Give parents warmth, care and positive attention on their emotional comforts.

Respect of Prayer and worship for them.

The duties children owe towards their parent whilst they are alive.

Sibling Respect
Family Rules #6:16

Getting along with siblings and helping each other. Parents are happy to see their children love each other

Honor your elder siblings and protect younger siblings. Sibling love: you and your siblings’ get along and help each other. This would make your parents happy. Share: value family ties and avoid to fight over property with your siblings. Self-control: think of potential solutions before responding in sibling rivalry. Siblings are breastfed by your mother’ breast, milk kinship, brothers and sisters are greatest gifts your parents ever gave you. Siblings stand up for one another, teach one another

Legacy Respect
Family Rules #6:17

Forever holding parents in heart by passing family names and values to younger generations

Values: forever holding your parents in your heart by passing family values to your children. make your parents feel valuable. Goals. Purposeful living. Transcend your upbringing. “beyond-the-self” activities. family commitments. Teach Your Children Well. Teach Your Child Well. Role Modeling. develop an independent faith. Exemplars.

Cherish your parents and carry out their wishes and feel good honoring them to the best of your ability.

An old Chinese proverb says,“One generation plants the trees, and another gets the shade.” 前人栽树,后人乘凉

We in this generation are still living in a little bit of shade. Our grandparents, and perhaps even our parents if we’re old enough, planted some trees in the past and we are still enjoying some of the shade. But this generation is not planting any trees for the next. And they’re going to find themselves in a blistering world with nowhere to hide. The young person who don't honor their parents feels no shade, no place of comfort, no place to hide, no place of security, just a fearsome reality both in the present and in the future.

How can we plant those trees to shade the future generation? How can we give shade to our children and their children and their children? The answer is to go back to the standards of God’s Word, the human traditions, the timeless and universal virtues.

End of Life Respect
Family Rules #6:18

Respect parents wishes and will, protect their dignity, be around. Hospice care & Terminal care.

Respect parents wishes and will, protect their dignity, be around. Hospice care & Terminal care.

Funeral Respect
Family Rules #6:19

Mourning and burying elders in a respectful way, building graves at respectful places

Mourning and burying elders in a respectful way. A wake is one of the many ceremonies or rituals a family may choose to have after a loved one has passed away. Cultures all over the world have wakes. Wakes are all about paying your respects to the deceased and the deceased’s family. Reflecting respect for deceased parents through funeral ceremony rituals. Grief, loss & bereavement: reserving specific time set aside to properly mourn parents after their death.

Ancestor Respect
Family Rules #6:20

Commemorating ancestors and making sacrifices for them

Commemorating ancestors and making sacrifices for them. In loving memory of your ancestors. Growing your family tree. 

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